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サラ フリン



I was born in Cork, Ireland in 1971, and trained in the Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork City.

My studio is in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Concentrating on the challenges of thrown forms which are then altered and changed at varying stages of the drying process, I produce Sculptural Decorative Vessels.
My work deals with a love of Form, Line and Volume expressed through the qualities and scope of my chosen materials.
I have an on-going relationship with porcelain, and for now it is still my clay of choice. Of great importance is the potential of new and exciting edges, contours and shapes which can be explored through an understanding of material qualities and increasing skill.
Surface quality is also critical; I research extensively to find the best glaze for the form; or vice-versa.

Having begun my career producing small-scale functional pots, as my skill has increased I have moved entirely into making one-off forms which are purely sculptural in their intent.
The main elements feeding the development of the work are Process and Finish; coupled with constant exploration and a deepening understanding of form, volume and silhouette.
An important aspect of my thinking and development of ideas involves ‘play’. Experimenting. Trying things out which often initially don't work.

This uninhibited part of my making-cycle involves risk-taking, failure and critical understanding. It is fundamental to my way of understanding and to resolving ideas.

Sympathy with my materials is a crucial aspect feeding how I work and what I make.

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Tel: 0547-54-0661



Address: 394 Kawanecho Sasamakami, Shimada, Shizuoka 428-0211JAPAN

Tel: 0547-54-0661


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