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ルース クラウスコフ

University of Chile Applied Arts School. Prof Luis Mandiola UC, Berkeley, Ceramic Sculpture 1980/81 Prof. Peter Voulkos 1983—— Founder and Director Huara Huara ceramic studio 2005 —– Founder and Director Esteka Ceramics magazine, Chile 2009 – Member International Academy of ceramics Nine solo shows, her most comprehensive exhibit (2011) at the Visual Arts Museum in Santiago. She has participated in over 70 group shows. Her works are in Museo Fule, Fuping China, Musée de Sevres, Mavi Chile and in many private collections in different countries.. Extensive articles about her work have been published in Arts and Perception, Neue Keramik/New Ceramics. Revista de Cerámica Española, Esteka Chile. Many articles in the arts sections of the local press. Her work is portrayed in several books in different countries. Foramen Acus publishers, published a book about Krauskopf in 2011.
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