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ゾルト ジョゼフ サイモン

Zslot Jozsef SIMON

I am educated in Hungary but my masters were from all around the world. ​ I studied art and movement. I was participant of several symposiums in Hungary (Kecskemét, Hódmezővásárhely), and many group exhibitions in Europe, USA and Hungary which represented Hungarian design, or ceramic art: Prague , Monza, Vallauris etc. My art works joined international ceramic competitions in Hungary and abroad: WOCEF-CEBIKO in Korea (2007, 2009), Westerwaldpreis in Höhr-Grenzhausen (2009), Manises Spain (2010, Special Award, Honourable mention). I had several solo exhibitions in Hungary, Italy and in Indonesia. ​ At the moment I am a free lance artist, and I teach adults at different courses as well.

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Tel: 0547-54-0661


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